Tuesday, March 28, 2006

dileef nursin school


VEDAYAPALEM; NELLORE 524004 ANDHRAPRADESH -INDIA. (Dt),Ph:0861-2329903,2320695

"Admissions Are In Progress"

C.H.M.A. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OUR INSITITUTE ST. JOHNS COLOLEE OF HEALTH SCIENCES AND MEDICAL RESEARCH WAS ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1987 TO IMPART TRAINING IN PARA-MEDICAL DILPLOMA COURSES SUCH AS MEDICAL LAB TECHNOLOGY. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SANITATION TECHNOLOGY ETC., TO THE CANDIDATES. THE FIRST ATCH STUDENTS OF 1987.88, HAD SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED THE ABOVE COURSES, AS SUCH , WE HAD STARTED DIELEEF SCHOOL OF NURSING FROM THE ACADEMIC YEAR 1988-89 WHICH IS A 3 YEAR DIPLOMA COURSE AND TO ENABLE THE SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES TO SERVE THE POOR AND NEEDY AND AT THE SAME TIME GETTLING THEMSELVES EMPLOYED. location; the school of nursing lis located in nellore town which is district headquarters situated on madras calcutta grand trunkroad national highways about 176 k.m. away from madras. most of the express trains willstop at nellore railway station. nellore town is also having busjourney facilities from other major cities also viz., madras, bangalore, vellore, lvijayawada, hyderabad etc., the purpose of the general nursing programme is to prepare general nurse.

the programme is geared to the health needs of the country. general objectives of the course; programme offered; 3 years. on successfull com,pletlion of the course diploma certificate will be awarded by the director of medical educational and andhrapradesh nursing council. elgibility; only female candidates.... candidate should have passwed inter/pdc/+2 puc/hse/or any equlivalent examination preferably with science subjects recognised by the govt of ap. candidates should be between 17 and 35 years age, how to apply; through our website or by phone you cal callfor application .
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for prospects and application 150.00rs mo or dd in fever of secretary cum treasurer, dileef school of nursing vedayapalem, nellore. 4 the following certlificates should be enclosed along with the application ssc/sslc certificate original eligibility certicate for proof qualiying exam. transfer and conduct certlificate t.c. and conduct certificate community certificate for sc/st/bc incomer and nativity certificate physical fitnes certificate passport size colour photos for acknowledge of the recelipt of application enclose a self addressed post card self addfreesed enveloop cover duly afflixing the stamps applicationn form sjhould be submitted withinthe stipuylateld date mentiopned in the application. incomplete and late applications willbe rejected. no correspoondence will be entertained for rejection of incomplete and late applications.

for all details if you have any doubts please contact our e mail or phone . our e mail dileefschool@rediffmail.com e-mail all your quiries to dileefschool@rediffmail.com

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please send all ur enquiries to Secretary-cum-treasurer.Dileef School of Nursing.Vedyapalem.Nellore.524 004.Ap.India.ph.Ph:0861-2329903,2320695 Copyright © 2002 DILEEF SCHOOL OF NURSING. All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

School Reviews said...

Nellore is one of the fastest growing city with best education for every one.

School Review